1949-1950 Yearbook

Presiden t et ..- ~ To p row: Ray l ewis, Wallace Ray, Bob Mar.ascQ, Bob St ring fe llow, Ken t BurgeH. Midd le row; Obert He nderSO ll , Bob W"990ner. J ack. Crowley, Charles Cr" .... ford, Tom Manh,,11. Bott om row ; Glenn Olree, Bob Sewell, Clyde Ke irn, Clarence Richmond, Dale Welsh, Willis Chea t h"m. Not pictured ; W illie 0' 8"nio n, Bob Roe, J oe Sheffield, O"'e Todd, Jack Glosgow , Jtlck Groy. Dwight Heuan, Harry Olree, J immy kheudllsil, Carroll Sparkm4 n, Sieve Todd, J . D. B,,'es (sponsor) . DELTA IOTA OFFICERS THE DELTA IOTA Social Club had its beginning in the fall of 1944 with the purpose of creating better social relationships among the students. and to uphold the Christian standards for which Hard. ing College sta nds. Many of the original traditions remain today in their activities such as pledging of new members and their unique initiations , this yea rs' being held at Camp Wyldewood. The fe eling of fellowshi p which each member manifests toward his brother increased the good t imes at their stag outings. Vice -President Secreto ry-Treosurer Porliome ntorion - CLARENCE RICHMOND WILLIS CHEATHAM GLEN OLREE BOB ROE One of the projects of the Delta Iotas this year was to paint the bulletin board in front of Godden Hall. 60