1949-1950 Yearbook

Umbrelltls in the htlnds of onloo~e(s indicate w6tlther conditions the dtly of the 19i9 M tly Fete . NELDA CHESSHIR WtlS the lovely queenin • li9hter vein, presenting chapel entertainment Ind, lor the Ju Go Jus, the sponsoring 01 the May Fete. Traditional in the springtime at Harding and I cherished memory for May Day enthusiasts is tt..t lovely ceremony. In it a host 01 pastel .ttired ,iris we.ve • colorful pattern winding the May LIZ RUSSELL and EVELYN RHODES her grtlcious attendants. poles, .nd one girl, previously selected by the student body, is crowned Queen 01 the May. Early morning practices preceding it, nervous specul.tion concerning the weather, and the h.ppy surprise of finding out who the May Queen is are .11 part 01 our memories of th.t d.y. 55