The BORESOME FOURSOME, comprised of Jim Porter, Dudley Spears, Jimmy Gtlrner, and Tex Oldhem, end eccompanied by Sally Croom. supplied musictll etmosphere. HAVING to return to school before the New Year came in could have been an even sadder experience if the dubs hadn't come to the rescue with • big New's Eve party. Sponsored by the GAlAs, and held in the College CafeterIa, the program of skits and fun luted from 9:00 to 12 : 15. Each girls' club teamed with a boys' club to present some sort of enter· t.inment, and three hours of laughs were the reIU~. Though faculty impersonations seemed to pre. dominate, other acts included the Ju Go Ju.Galaxy IMrber shop scene, Omega Phi·T.N.T. minstrel show, ft.. featur{ng of John Mason, in a shod program of song s, and the K.K.K.• A. T.A. wishing well, to Exci tement was high that night, as Dr. Benson Mgan his announcement of the results of the ..iJding Fund Drive, and tears were in the heads of many as he stated that it had been successfully dormitory for 9irls would BARBERSHOP quartet quarteted, and the manicurist manicured on ...