1949-1950 Yearbook

The~e weren't very efficient pledges-didn't c"tch " thing. • . . lind these disappointed boys d idn't catch a thing either. Some of the smarter ones exercised the fine .rt of making themselves scarce, but none of them ..caped completely, because they had to come out into !he open for classes and meals. Free toothpicks were handed out as the chow line filed into the dining hall: Mohican and Sub-T time was announced on the minute every minute; and free entertainment, though of a questionable quality, was pro- ,ided by the lambda Sigma tin-can band, and by pledge trios, quartets, and full choruses around the mailboxes after supper. Bu! pledging had its advantages . . . Most ..tryone agreed that the dating part of it was no! bad at all, and probably more of it took place tha! week than during any other given one throughout !he year. Shy freshmen, both boys and girls, were provided with a wonderful excuse for being forward, and who knows how many dating, "going dt.dy." and even married couples have resulted from Harding College pledge dates? Then there wos the sad case of at least one pledgemaster who lost a perfectly good girl friend to one of his own pledges. That was nothing less than poetic justice. The pangs and pains of pledge week were IoIowed by initiation ceremonies. Formal in the .. of most of the girls' clubs, they were held at the homes of dub members or sponsors, or in the .al studio. They are remembered as beautiful IIId impressive occasions by all who took part in them. The boys' club ceremonies, though mostly "aeleriled by extreme informality, were equally ~ud Velent ine humbly sweeping a seat fo r the SUB-T S~ippe r. n.. KA,,... KAPPA KAPPA initiation ceremony.