1949-1950 Yearbook

Dean Sears' SHAKESPEARE ledure was really better than urfa in e.pressions seem to indicllte . •itchen. The pleasant odors originating thero drifted down the halls and mingled with hydrogon sulphide lumes Irom the chem lab, all 01 which was most disconcerting to those 01 us trying to absorb In American History ledure at the time. When our calculus had us stumped it was a joy and reliel to go to that Coaching-ol-Basketball ..... in the gym, or the swimming dass at the pool. Somehow our dasses seemed to complement each other. and round out our activities. We ended each quarter feeling a little more broodened, and as we lined up on tho following Ngiriration days, it was usually with a renewed cIot.rmination to study harder, put off less, and t••• a little better advantago of the collego education which we were being privileged to receive. Sometimes you couldn't mllke your wily through the ART studio mob lit /Jill. Mery Klltherine King, PIANO student, plllYs the PIANO ot her PIANO lesson for her PIANO tellcher, Mrs, 8"9ne tto. 35