1949-1950 Yearbook

"Bughouse Blues" Of, "Why I alwtlys st!!ggered to supper on Wednesday evenings." Though sometimes the Irog-cutting in Biology Lab was a bit ted ious, at other times we were fascinated by our first glimpses of wriggling onecelled animals through a microscope. -Those weary hours spent struggling with the problems of an accounting set only to culminate in disheartening mistakes were offset by the more pleasant things that happened-1uch as the debate in Mrs_ Stapleton's Teaching-ol-English cia.. as to whether round or square roosts were better for the chickens . The cookery girls spent domesticated moments cracking e99s and sifting flour in the Home Eco This is II wotchbird. watching his TYPING students. HIGH SCHOOL students were the guinea pigs for many t.I prtlctice teacher. Practicing here is Walter Johnson.