1949-1950 Yearbook

SIGHT SINGING dGSS identjfies fa for Mr. Moore. Rosie, Morgen and Per~. getting technictll in the PHYSICS I,b. the well.rounded, though varied courses of study of some eight hundred individuals who were studenls at Harding during the year 1949-50. These studenls, from all parts of the United States, as well as several foreign nations, took work in fourteen groups of studies offered at Hardingart; Bible and religion; chemistry and biological sciences; business and economics; education, psychology, philosophy; English, speech, journalism; home economics; industrial education; foreign languages, including German, Greek, and Spanish; mathematics; music; physical education; physical sciences; political science, and geography. PATIENT HOURS WERE SPENT ... By the art students, laboring in the studio with oils, pastels, watercolors or charcoal, and by the piano students, pounding away in the practice rooms. Sometimes we burned the midnight oil endeavoring to finish an English theme. or a term paper dealing with the history of psychiatry. Our Bible classes privileged us to walk the shores of Galilee with the Master and to sail through Mediterranean storms with the Apostle Paul. They included many things, from Professor Burke's insights into the Greek to Dr. Bales' convincing arguments on Christian Evidences. DEBATE cltlss wtlkhed the birdie. The SPEECH department included a course in Rad io Speech. Here Dick Smith and Keith Thompn yodel betwee n programs.