1949-1950 Yearbook

NEW EDIFICE FOR IT HAS for many years been the desire of the Ie.ders of the college congregation to provide a b.ilding in which the whole student body of the college might meet for worship. It was their further desire that such a building be off the campus, that people in town might come without the feeling that they were attending a college activity. It was felt that the congregation would be in • better position to carryon its teaching program, and do the work that it should, if it had a building CO LLEGE CHURCH of its own. That desire was turned into fact when the plans were drawn and the work begun. The new building, located two blocks from the campus, at 712 East Race, is a brick building of modern architectural design. With a seating capacity of 1200, it is large enough to accommodate any contemplated audience and will provide for a teaching program that is full and adequate for the congregation, not only on Sunday morning but throughout the week. 29