1949-1950 Yearbook

WORK AT THE ONE OF the more unpretentious acts of Harding students was the work done by those boys and girls who went to the county farm each Sunday afternoon, taking the Lord's Supper and con-, ducting services for the unfortunate people there. In addition to these weekly visits, a collection was made at Christmas to purchase some Gravel in our shoes WIIS the usual thi ng, unless it was one of the days for mud up to the tinkles ... but how much we enjoyed these particultH Sundoy afternoon walks. 28 COUNT Y FARM of the things that were needed to make them more comfortable. Those of us who took part in this service can vividly recall the sympathy which we felt, and the joy it brought us to be able to give to these people something of the companionship, hope, and consideration which they did not receive from the world that had largely forgotten them. Hymns of peace ... of comfort . . . o f ioy . . . of exaltation . . . And we knew that our sing . ing was bringing happiness.