1949-1950 Yearbook

BI BLE FACU LTY. Top Row: S. A. Bell. Hugh Rhode$, Lulie Burke. ~idd l. Row: J"ck Wood SMa F. W. M"ttolC J. D. Boles, J. L. Dyke~. Fron t Row: Fronk Rhode~, Andy T. Ritchie. J. P. Se ....ell. ' , APPRECIATING the need to train young men to preach the word of God with power and conviction, and to be capable leaders in the church, Harding has collected a Bible faculty of able men to teach that greatest of all books. These men, all of whom graduated from Christian schools themselves, are not only extreme26 Iy well equipped as re ligious instructors, but have inspired us students by their wholesome lives and devotion to the cause of Christ. In addition to their opportunity of receiving training under inspirational teachers, young men had a chance to develop their speaking ability in the Evangelistic Forum. From the campus each weekend radiated many students and faculty members, some traveling several hundred miles to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Though there was little glory, and the crowd was frequently small, Harding boys went, for there were souls to be saved. Bill JOHNS up in front ot an Evangelistic Forum meeting. These meetings took pl"ce on S"turd"y evenings. under the supervision of Professor Bill Slillman.