1949-1950 Yearbook

i o Stars Kern-Harding College, Searc)', Ark. Sears' l. C.-Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Sewe{' , Ed- Harding College, SUrt)', Ark. OgleYie, Cora-701 E. Marktt, Searcy. Ark. Oliver, B. lo, Mr5 .~5 N. Spruce, Searcy. Ark. O' Banion, Marguerite-Harding College, Searcy, Ark. O'Banion, Maxine-Harding College, Searc)', Ark. Sewell, Ed, Mrs.-Harding College, Searcy. Ark. Sewell, Jessie P.-Harding Collegt. Searcy, Ark. Skillman, BiII-928 E. Center, Searcy, Ark. Slatton, Ludene-904 E. Center, Searcy. Ark. Snure. Elleen-110 S. Blakeney, Searcy. Ark. Stapleton, E. R.-904 E. Center Searcy. Ark. Stapleton, E. R.t Mrs.-904 E. Center, $earcy. Ar1c. Stokes, Lewis-Route 1, Searcy, Ark. p Patterson, Mildred, Mrs.-917 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. Phillips, J . A.-Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Summitt, W. K.-(On leaye) 900 E. Mancet, Searcy. Ark. Swain, Doylt-l508 W. Center Searcy. Ark. Phillips, J . A., Mrs.-Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Pickens, Inez, Mrs.-Harding College, Searty, Ark. Pryor, Joe-928l,12 East Center, Searc)" Ark. Pryor, Joe, Mrs.-9281h: East Center, Searc)" Ark. Pryor, L. E.-Route 1, Kensett Road, Searcy, Ark. R Rhodes, Frank-Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Rhodes, Gregg-41S N. Grand, Searcy, Ark. Rhodes, Gregg, MrS.-41S N. Grand, Searc)', Ark. Rhodes, Hugh-Harding College, Searc)', Ark. Rhodes, Jess-Harding College! Searcy, Art . Richardson, And)'-~nO E. Pane, Searc)', Ark. Richardson, Andy, MrS.--810 E. Park, Starcy, Ark. Ritchie, Andy Jr.-306 E. Park, Searty, Ark. Ritchie, Andy, MrS.-306 E. Park, Searcy, Ark. Rideout, George-707 W. Center, Searcy, Ark. s Schrade, John--408 N. Cross, Searc)" Ark . Sears, Jack Wood-lOl Grand, Starcy, Ark . " -, Swain, Doyle. Mrs.-l508 W. Center, Searcy. Ark. T Tester, Helen-605 E. Clark, Searc)', Ark. Tra),lor T J ., Mrs.-919 E. Market Seart)', Ark. Turman, Elbert-Harding College, Searcy, Ark. u Ulrey, Betty-900 E. Market, Searcy, Ark. w Wallace, W. L.-705 E. Market, Searty, Ark. Webb Robert-608 E. Center, Searcy, Ark. Welsh, Dorothy-Harding College, Searcy, Ark. y Yohe, Roy C.-Harding College, Searcy, Ark. A SINCERE thank-you is extended to all those who helped in the production of the 1950 Petit Jean. Many were called upon, outside the staff members, for assist· ance . Mrs. Elva Phillips and Tom Lavender contributed art work; Miss Annie Mae Alston, Miss Vau9hnece Bragg, Jimmie Atkinson, Margie Groover, Dick Smith, and Hugh Mingle contributed copy; Mr. Cope and his secretary, Velma Davis, stood by many times with helpful advice as well as phot09raphic contributions. Others, too, helped with just. sympathetic word when work was hectic, and tim. was short. It is to them, as w.1I as to my loyal staff members, that a deeply felt gratitude is here expressed. -THE EDITOR