HARDING COLLEGE BOOK STORE Certa inly one 01 the busiest spots on the campus, and one 01 the most uselul. is the Colloge Book Store. Traditional seems to be the privilege , one 01 which many students take adv(!Intoge, just to browse around-and talk, purchasing only when reedy. One 01 the linest l eat ures 01 this College .nterprise is the "Sha re with you" plan whereby I SCYo of all one spends on religious books is held in a lund , to be made use 01 in the purehose of other religious books. There's a great day coming lor the ·Book Store, lor September will lind it in a beautilul oir-conditioned location in the new Student Center, more ready than ever to be of real service t o students. 2JJ