rt~··~Ci~J~h~ifl-~:!~~' _._ ~ ~ _~ •• -_ -.: UBERTYISfOUND. _ _ .-. IN DOlHCiRlaHT - _ ..... :. .- - . -~_--_~ - . -- - .• . ." • . - - - - . ' -. 1..."1.., - - - - .- -.,..;;-~ striving to be what a good newspaper should be, in MAKEOP SPORTS NEWS-COVERAGE FEATURES EDITORIALS ADVERTISING has succeeded in placing itself along with the best. o K TAX I AND CA FE The camera has recorded the pleasant expressions on the faces of the above young ladies from Hording. And well Ol'ight they smile, for here they enioy not only the privilege of riding in the latest model automobile, but also of sipping a Coke in the friendly restaurant. Quick, courteous service distinguish both the OK Taxi and OK Cafe, between the bus station and downtown .