1949-1950 Yearbook

B. J. PIE RCE LUMBER CO. ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIALS 109 S. Main Phone 688 BRADLEY'S BARBER SHOP Two of the many Hardingites, who through the years hove felt at home in Charlie Brad· ley's shop. have come back for more. A clean, friendly atmosphere and good work· manship di stingui sh this shop. 226 J. C. MIT CH ELL Insurance Agency MUTUAL INSURANCE 121 N. Spring Phone 324 VIRGIL LEWIS MEN'S STORE Mr. Wright shows LeRoy O 'Neal a perfed fit, one of the many fine suits which m~y be found at this store. Featuring Curlee Clothes and Weyenberg Massagic Shoes, Virgil Lewis carries everything for the man.