1949-1950 Yearbook

IS A UNIQUE FEATURE WITH HARDING The weekly radio program, "Land of the Free," drlmatim the life of Americans who through perhave proved the ,.Iu. of American principles. The producing and screening of the Harding _ies of ten-minute Technicolor animated cartoons on economic education has been underway since Freedom Forums, wh ich assemble American leaders, has bee n a recent addition to 1M program's media . The forums are designed to how National program office at Harding is the direction of Ca rl Nater, executive assisDOROTHY WELSH is librarian for the Noti on<'ll Progrom Library, (I unique project speci tl li zi ng in collecting moteri"ls on the su b ject o f free enterpri se and the economics of capitl'llism. of films employed LEAH student. Mr. DOOLEY, of Saginaw, Michigan. addressed Freedom Fo rum tJudience in the Colieqe Dining H"II. 211