1949-1950 Yearbook

The Rhythm B&nd was delightful both to youthful partid· pants and older spectators. TRAINING SCHOOL YOU NGSTERS LEARNED, too, as Miss Annabel Lee and her able and devoted staff of teachers worked to develop children-sons and daughters of faculty families and Searcy Citizens-to their fullest potentials. Here , one hundred youngsters with their thriving imaginations, their individual interests and talents, were furnished endless opportunities through work and play to find their way successfully to higher levels of life and learning. Nearly every hour of the day found some college student in interested observation or busy par· ticipation in grade school classes, learning by very 208 real experience, the principles and techniques of effeclive teaching and deepening his understanding of its responsibilities and opportunities. First .nd S.cond 9rad., Miss ELLEN KNIGHT. Instrudor Third .nd Fourth 9r.d., Mrs. VIDA DRAPER. Instrudor RUTH ANN TOOTHMAN. Prodice Teacher Fifth .nd Sixth 9r.d., Mn. IRIS MARTIN. Instrudor CURTIS WARD CHARLES DRAPER. Practice reachers S..... nth .nd Ei9hth 9r.d., Min ANNABEL LEE. Illst ructor. Principal JIMMIE MOONEYHAM, Pradice Teacher