1949-1950 Yearbook

• a.ck ro .... : Ruth Merrit, Miriem Draper, Pehy Grimmett, 8illie Beth Hill , Ruby lee Ellis, Vern.!! Vtlughan, AM Cunninghom. Middl. row: Frances Jo"hns, Ritll Jo Bo ld.... in, Helen Yohe, Anne Harkins. Front row: Chodo Cronlord, Nell Young. Jo Ann Pickens, Sor,,11 Long ley. KAT FALL OFFICERS Presiden t - Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer - Kitten at Arms MIRIAM DRAPER CHARLA CRANFORD VERNA VAUGHAN SARAH LONGLEY WINTER OFFICERS President - Vice-President - Secretary-Treasu rer Kitten at Arms 200 NELL YOUNG SARAH LONGLEY JO ANN PICKENS CHARLA CRANFORD UNTIL 1943 The Kappa Alpha Theta was known as the Royal Fun Club. Every year they have had a worthy club project and this year they sent a Christmas basket to a family to make their holiday more enjoyable. Miss Annabell Lee is sponsor of the KAT•. Eight pledge. were formally initiated at Mrs. Dodd'. home in a beautiful candlelight ceremony. The members worked diligently to complete arrangements for their banquet February 3. The theme "Pirate." was depicted throughout the dec· oration•. Their .pring outing to Tahkodah with the Sub Deb. promoted better feeling between the club••