1949-1950 Yearbook

196 BETA C LUB. Back ro w: Ruby lee Elli,. N Qrmu Dy ke s. C. l. C<l., Mrs, Picken~, sponso r. Front row: Billie Be lh Hill, Rit ll Jo 8oldwin, Vern.. V"ugnon, f ronc;, Johns, M"j"m Draper, Jo Ann Pickeul, enlHI" C,anford, Nell Young. BEING IN the Beta Club. the Harding Academy chapter of the National Honor Society. was one of the highest honors attainable by academy students. Ma intenance of an average of 90 or better WIS the requirement for membership. The Debate Club. sponsored th is year by Richard Walker. went to Fayetteville for the Speech Festival , where the girls' team, composed of Nel Young and Miriam Draper. did very well for them· selves by reaching the semi-finals. It was the able and inspirational guidance of the Academy faculty. shown here in faculty meet· ing with Principal Mason presiding , which made this year the great one that it was. DEBATERS. Andy Ritchie, Miriam Draper, Ne ll You nCj1 . Rila Jo Bo ldwi n. FAC ULTY. B.l ck row: Mt1. A ndy Ritchie, Vaughnece Br1l99. I Cook, Eilee n Snuro . Fro n' row: Ed Sewell, Mrs, Perry Mo'On, t.I Annie Mil e Ahton, Mrs, Ine z Picke ns. b ther M j t chell~ R. N., Pe-rr M,non, p r inci p II I.