1949-1950 Yearbook

CHORUS. To p row: Joe Mtltto~, Bob Plunket, Ol!!n H!II\cs, Otlvid Richtlrd~on. S.cond row: Alfred Petrich, Tom Halterman, Walter Seifert. Th ird row: Andy Ritchie, Bill Plunket, C. L. Co~, Dan H!!r!. Fo urth row: Helen Yohe, Con....ay Senon, Wayland Wilkenon. Fifth row: S!!rah Longley. Rita Jo Baldwin, Jo AI'II'I Pickens, Pat Grimmett, Al'll'le Harkin$, Netl Young, Charla Cr!ll\ford, Norma Campbell. BoHom row: Ann Cunningham, Rita McKnight, Billie Beth Hill, Barbara Bailey. Verna Vaughan, Miriam Draper. Jimmie Payne, Ruby lee Ellis. ENTHUSIASM QUARTET. Conway Senon, C. L. Co.c, Andy Ritchie III, Wayltlnd Wilkerson. SEXTEITE. Bell ie Beth Hill, Nell Young. S"r"h longley, Vern" Vaugh!!n, Charla Cranford. Miriam Draper. ,- - .--:; 194 AND INTEREST BUT HOW could it have been otherwise with such good teamwor~? We remember so many things about those activities-how we always found time for a laugh during the long, hard work on the Senior play; how the stage crew didn't mind drafting anybody's property for an aU-important High School produc. tion; and our leading man didn't show up until an hour before the presentation of our play at the Speech Festival. Some of those chorus rehearsals were a struggle , we admit, but we always managed to come out on top, and we never tired of giving vent to our feelings through the joyful medium of music.