L raise $1,500,000 for seven additional buildings to complete an ideal campus facility setup. Two years later, on New Year's Eve of 1950, he announced the successful completion of the campaign. Of the seven buildings planned, three have been completed: a new gym, Rhodes Memorial Field House; a new boy's dormitory, Armstrong Hall; and a new library building. The other four, a girls' dorm, to be built as an ad~itional wing on Pattie Cobb; a new training schooh a student center building: and an auditorium-administration building will be completed in the next two years. Harding's growth these past fourteen years has been a carefully planned program of expansion, both intrinsically and on a scale that has brought the school and its policies national acclaim. As we enter the second half of this century it is well to pause for a backward glance, thank God f9f Qur being and accomplishments, then dedicate our future as students, faculty and as Harding College to serving the needs of our school, our country, and our God. By Jimmie Atkinson 15