158 CLIFTON HINSHAW was a Radioman Ist Class while in the NavY, and is still first class. His blond waVy hair helps him to ~eep his neat eppearance. CHARLES DRAPER active in every· thif'lg-sporfs, journalism and religion. Very strong for edra·curriculer activi· ties. Conscientious preacher. Too~ the position of Kilpetrick in Education. CLARENCE RICHMOND, enswer to a meiden's prayer. Energetic end usually seen with a camera. Spent quite a bit of his time in the dar~. Helped with the radio programs. W. ·H. SIMSWife is happy to see him graduate. Tall and lan~y with blond wavy hair. Noted for his crazy laugh. Just an· other good·loo~ing Sims. 1 95 0 toAARl lYN HAWLEY'S p a i n tin 9 s adorned the halls at Thanhgiving time. She is also very gooQ at portroi t painting. loyal G.A.T.A. from way up north. PETE BARNES another married men. His son is a carbon copy of Pete. Another example of the foct that dynamite comes in smell pack· eges. LINDA SKINNER eligible for May Queen. Blonde nurse who wos good et pulse ta~ing and pulse rais· ing. Always ready with a smile for 011.