1949-1950 Yearbook

1 9 5 0 .IO$HUA LIVELY quiet studious type. Well lik.d by thoso who know him. Ha•• nie. smile and a friendly attitude. Do.s not toke his work lightly. DINZIL E. GATES graduated end of ",,,,er term. Plans to go to Uniwnity of Okillhome. Former , 1st Lieut. .. the U. S. Air Force. Brother to auby Nell. LUCILLE HANCOCK on that if men interfere with study· lit you should quit studying. Kansas the bed state and she is interested Guid.nce work. Has quite a time with h.r suite ·mates Smith and Ri ch· ....... WILLIE O'IANION .0 they all him "Joy." left Arkansas for -SUnny California" but came bad to Herdin9 to finish his education. Plans to tNch. Is cheerful and well liked managed to get BERNARD KENNETH WALTERS BYe, in II blue trailer with his preHy btu· nette wife. Is very proud o f hj, Pont iee. You could recoqni18 him by his mustache. KATHRYN RITCHIE never a n idle moment. Thrifty and thought. ful to others. Gets Andy to Chorus on time end then waifs pa tiently (1) on him for supper. Found time t o study a nd make good grodes! WAYNE JOHNSON mode the money for the Bison.. His friend ly ettitude mllde him known among the st udents. Quite the speaker.