1949-1950 Yearbook

1 9 5 0 .MWS WALKER "Oudy" liS we know Girls mlly come and girls may go, W not if he can help it. Hils good In Ma le Quartet. AlwillYs hav. I with his nose. BILLY hIlS a wonderful little wife, Nice persoMlity lind mllkes II d.lightful friend. Very good lit r.mllrks. ALVIN ~OUDY. He ley much but neither did Lin- "Heppy" red· head fr om Texas. around cempus with cute brullCHARD WALKER w;1I 1009 remembered for excellent II cting ..rious l yceums. Calm, cool, diglh••en only by Orel Interpretation Often leen in his little blue JOSEPH aR.YANT is very intelligent and neat. Still water runs deep. Plans to go to Japlln with his family. Quite interested in his class work. Ever ready to d o his share. CHARLES MORRIS II sma ll b undle of personality, always ready to help and eager to serve. A very good chorus member. Jolly and gay with II fiendish laughter. AUDREY SCHAEFER was a r8ll1 joy to her suitemates. Crazy lind witty. One embition in life is Pontiac "Catalina." Too~ Cilire of Danny Boy. '·Nursie." JUANI - TA WALLER "cheder-upper" on the lazy chorus members. Always on the job. A c c e p t s responsibility well. Andy's right.hand man, if she wasn't in chorus she WIIS in Bold Knob.