1949-1950 Yearbook

950 olwoys willing to help. When is done by her, it wilt be I Checked the girls in PotWu 0 loyal W.H.C. BURL strict Chevrolet fon. Strong ',nonel Eyengelism. Got his ex· d imbing the steirs to Eest IETTY' NEll McRAE sweet disI • HOI 0 heerty laugh. Plans in the busines5 world. Her i, "More power to you." She *y loyel to the Horne·Grooyer t.4ARTHA WALSTON short, s.en either in oeon Seon' or a.C); , tre r's Office. Another one of . id, from Noshyille. Spent quite GLEN SHAVER drew reo I mosterpieces in "Bugology." Fomily mon with " purpose in life. Liked to hear his f,,- vorite records in Music Literature class. Wi l LIS CHEATHAM took care of the Senior money-as well as 0 girl nomed Helen . Did mission work in the summers. Alwoys willing to do his shore. Did not live up to his lod name . Hod to groduote to get awoy from sitting by Chesshir in chopet. TOMMIE JEAN HULETT will olways remember her night ot the White House when she wos homesid. An. other Hording Hulett. A true friend is always a friend . Unusuol combinotion of brown eyes and blonde hoir. SUE SAUNDERS dark blad curly hoir. An East.Winger with a purpose for toking Home Economics. Sees slipcovers in her sfeep.