FRANCIS HERRING . • . . . Avenal. Celjf. B.A. : Bible and History Freter Sodalis Club '-49, '50: Transfer student from George Pepperdine College. THURMAN HESTER , . , , , Ventura, Calif, B,A.: History and English MARION HICKINGBOTTOM . . M",.II, A,k, -B.A,: History end Educetion Geur Club '-47, '48, Pres . '49, '50, SUE HOGG . , . . • . • • Camden, Ar~, B.A.: Hidory ond English W.H.C. Club '-47, '-48, '-49, '50, Reporter '-47, Sec.· Treos. '-49: Lorge Chorus '-47, '-48, '49, '50: Smoll Chorus '-47, '-48, '-49: Dromotics Club '47, '48, '49; Girls' Gleo Club '47, '48, '49; Girls' House Coun· cil '-48; Moy Queen Nominee '-49; Petit Jeon Queen Nominee '50; Petit Jeon Colendor Editor '50. MARY KATHERINE HOLLINGSWORTH. . • Norman, Okla, B.A.:' Music, Education and English G,A.T.A. Club '47, '48, '49, '50, Sec. '-48, Pres. '49; Smell Chorus '-47, '48, '49, '50; Large Chorus '47, '48, '-49. '50; Accompanist Men's Glee Club '49, '50; Accomponisf Men's Quartette '-47, '48. MILDRED HORNE ..• , . lubbock, Texos B.A.: Music, Educotion end History W.H.C. Club '47, '48, '49, '50, Reporter '49, V.• Pres. '50; Time. Keeper '48; Large Chorus '47, '48, '50; Bos~etboll AII·StOT '49; Texos Club '47. HOMER HORSMAN . , . • . Imboden, Ar~. B.A.: Chemistry, Moth. ond Educ. Froter Sodolis '47, '48, '49, '50, Sec. '-49; Chemistry lob Assistont '49, '50; Physics lob Assistont 'SO; F.T.A. '50. WESLEY HOWK , , • • . . • Seercy, Ar~ . B.A.: Art lind Bible Art Club '49, Pres. 'SO; linotype ope rotor for the Bison '-49, '50. 1«