1949-1950 Yearbook

9 5 0 sn.14'SON is quite proud of his of joy". libs to play tennis is very good ot it. Conscientious herd working stude nt . Another m.n who got his wife "t H"rd · FRANCIS HERRING, nice to often ,een in his st"ti on wagon_ his wife tldmire Mrs. Dodd's It noon, Loves Arb ns" s IIll STUR~ w"s coiled , by Brother Bel l. Dr ives " n old up Plymouth. Runs " free-shu ttle between town " nd school. HADLEY pio ns to go to Ger. i, • loya l Deutschl " nder. Met in Maine whil. he wos serving s.m. Become " proud po pa in everyone in Vet Villa ge ED RANSOM has been very helpful in the dramatics deportment. An outstand ing Senior with good, gr"des behind him. A whole-he"rted Christi"n who is quite the family man. Is proud o f his poetess wife_ WILBURN RAIN · EY used to te"ch in the Army. Took good notes in his classes. Hod a da ughter in the training school. li ked to t a lk up in psychology closs. Took his work seriously. LLOYD PRICE a nother of our mar ri ed students. Proud of his two sons. Wife Vivi a n wa s a Ha rd ing gr"duate .