RUBY HANES another 3rd floor Godden H"II girl. Intelligence is III wom~ e n's grelltest charm. Another representotive of the Harding Hanes fom - ily. Spent her spore money on flash bulbs. JACK CHAFFIN drove (I long blue Oldsmobile. Mode fre q uerrt trips to Mississippi but not to see the river . Took III greet interest in his school work. MARGARET CHAFFIN is 'lory neat IlInd attractive. Visited many times d uring the year by Jimmie Mooneyhem. Another red-helld. EUGENE CATIERTON one of our vaterMS. Is very proud of his wife end lovely little da ughter. Enjoys 011 kinds of sports. Sm,ut, industrious student with " will to le/!lfn. 134 1 9 5 0 BOBBY CONNELL su pported the White House olong with the fed of his giling. Not IlIt all sor ry to be groduating. When he thinks, he shows symptoms of a man with brains. 101 LANE plans to get marriad soon after school is out. Strictly an individualist who thinks fo r himself. Very independ· ent. GARNER GROSS helped hold down the tenor section of the chorus. He liked to go on trips. Just call him the Stilmps Bilder Melody Boy. Was a Gob during the war. His unusual IX' periences are censored. TOM LAVEN. DER is quite the "Master Painter." loves his work and does it well. Was the designer of Hilrding's Flag. We're proud of him for making the scale model for the new a nd modern Hard· ing College.