1949-1950 Yearbook

1 9 5 0 HENDERSON WII S the tllil dllrk fr om Arizona. liked his boots. Ex·Army mll n who knew .Iy eround. especi ll ily how to get bst Wing. HELEN POPLIN likes middl, neme. Jolly lind II lot of to know. Grellt lit poet ry rellding. whil at pillying Bin go, quite fon d Phpicel Science. ELSIE NORTON 'S litO voice mllde her the bliSS for Gin Club. Cut off the long in February. A goy Godden .ho loved to la ugh. Kept us all looking by working et the leun· JAt.4£S HALBROOK c~ me from Jolly happy·go·lucky 01fOOting for the home tellm. Not ..", boever for getting to cl lI ss HOWARD COX very neot gentlemon. His clever cortoons entertoined every· one. A loyol Gour. Frequently seen with his little brown sotchel. THEODORE FARMER tol/ blonde ond very eligible but seldom doted. Spent much of his time with Wisenboker ot the White House. Meade us eawore of good posture. KATHRYN YINGLI NG short eand 'Dutchy.' Very proud of her little nephews. Hos 0 cute giggle ond winning wllyS. Knew the librllry blld· words lind forwords . PAUL WISEN. BAKER very good friend of Ted Fllrm. er-they were IIlwllYs seen together. Owned a little green Dodge. Quiet and unassuming. His shy smile mllde him famous. One of those southern boys.