To p Row IRIS MARTIN Instructor, Training School Leads a busy life in the roles of home· maker, teache r and student. ELIZABETH MASON B.A., M.A. High School Science Painted her own pictures and then de· signed and built a home for them. PERRY MASON B.A" M.A. Political Science A Mtive Texan turned Arkans"n with a keen interest in preserving the Amer· icon way of life for us arl. EARL T. MOORE B.A., M.A. Music An all.round good man with special accomplishments in the fields of music and baseball. 11B Middl . Row Mrs. OLIVER B.A. Music Pleasant, thoughtful, and ever so nice to know. ELVA PHILLIPS B.A., M.A. Art Origin,,1 ide"s "nd willingness to put them to work h"ve m"de her a weI· corned addition to the f"cu lty. INEZ PICKENS B.A. High School English Makes the tr"nsition from home to dormitory life " pleasant experience. JOSEPH PRYOR B.A.,M.A., Ph.D. Physical Science A life characterized by faithfulness to every duty "nd responsibility. SoHorn Row L. E. PRYOR B.A., M.S. Soci,,1 Science Loved for his humility of spi rit li nd genuineness of Christian ch"racter. FRANK RHODES B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Histo ry and Social Scien'ce He can be serious; he can be glad. Either woy, he's quite 011 right. HUGH RHODES B.A"M.A. Physicoi Education One of the triumvirate who rul e in· tromuraliy. JESS RHODES B.A., M.B.A. Business Teaches accounting to boys and girls but holds definite ideas about women in industry.