1949-1950 Yearbook

Top Row VIDA B. DRAPER Instructor, Trl.lining School the e.cettence of her tel.l chOW" JOHN lEE DYKES Ml.lth emotics se few indi vidul.lls who hel.lr ANNE EARLY librl.lry .d ded dl.lughter thl.lt Hording English lnvincing freshmen thl.lt •<.1 word usage is not just 1.1 theory. ~idd l. Row MAXINE GRADY B.A. Physicl.ll Educl.ltion Takes care of the girls' interests, athleticl.llly spel.lking. AllEN GRISSOM B.A., M.A. English A Chicogol.ln who finds the stories of southern hospitl.llity I.Ire not make. believe. GEORGE HALTERMAN B.A. Frellch. Spanish. English Now sees a grel.lt future in the English languoge ond is converting students to his idea. DONALD HEALY B.A., M.A. Social Science Conservl.ltion is the wl.ltchword. Bottom Row NELDA HOLTON B.A. Speech Doily debl.lte: So to spe ok vs. so to sleep . FLORENCE JEWELL B.M., M.A. Music Possesses the knod o f gr&cefully and efficiently doing both the big and little to sh thl.lt ore hers. PEARL lATHAM B.A., M.A. English Through diligent and constl.lnt effort inspires in her students I.In apprecil.ltion of literotu re. ANNABEL lEE B.S .. M.A. Director. Trl.lining School Divides her ml.lny tolents between the ftl.lining school and the college . 127