1949-1950 Yearbook

Top Row ANN IE MAE ALSTON B.A. librery Science Known for her efficiency end her broed knowledge in many fields, her willingness TO serve. JO BAGNETTO B.S. Music Her copeble honds d o well their d ou· ble duty in the. home "nd in the pieno studio. LUCIEN BAGNETTO B.S., M.S. M"themetics Followed t he femilior tr ilogy of Herd· ing, L.S.U. "nd H"rding. J. D. BALES B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D. Bible " re,,1 bookm"n who not only collects e nd re"ds the tomes but writes them. 126 Middle Row S. A. BELL B.S. Bible Believing so firmly in God lInd His promise, he le"ds us into 0 deeper "nd more ebiding f"ith. THELMA BELL B.A., M.A. Home Economics Delights te"chers with her fomous foculty teo s. M. E. BERRYHILL B.A., M.A. Physicel Educetion Holds the key to the doors lInd to the highly successful intr"muf,, 1 progrom of Rhodes Memorial Fieldhouse. VA UGHNECE BRAGG B.A. High School History A little bit 0' business here, ond 0 little bit 0' sociol life there. Bottom Row LESLIE BURKE B.A., M.A. Greek ond Germon Enjoys the devotion of his students who volue his life "nd te"ching. 1.4". FLORENCE CATH CART B.A. Element"ry Educ"tion H"s the ebility of teeching effectively both children ond "dulls. BILL COOK B.A. High School Music Under his direction the high school chorus h"s t"ken its rightful pl"ce in the limelight of H"rding's choristers. NEIL B. COPE M.A., M.S.J. Journ"lism Hes the rore gift of quiet end digni. fied "ccomplishment.