1949-1950 Yearbook

Indoor Tennis AND BADMINTON games were exciting because 01 the great skill required to play them. This skill was especially demonstrated by Prem Dharni and Emil Menes. Prem is a champion badminton player from India, an expert with a r.det in both tennis and badminton. To see Emil IIrve and play tennis is a sight to behold . Many others performed in the tournament with great accuracy such as "Coach" Berryh ill .nd Frank Rhodes 01 the faculty, Coy Campbell, Bill Simpson and T. M. Hogan. Holding the tennis tournament inside elim. in.ted lishing lor the balls in mud holes, going "over the fence" after a wild one, and the necessity lor battling the wind; but the four walls only heightened the tenseness at the beginning serve .nd incr.ased the thrill of a dose game. BADMINTON WINNER: Pram Dhll tn i. SENIORS, INDOOR TENNIS CLASS CHAMPS , Ceca Sed, T M. Hoga n, Bill Simpson, Coy Campbel l, Pram Dher ni. C .eri olI nd jeers from the sidelines. Almo~ t su ppertime by the d od-and t his ind oor te nn is metch is moving tight ll iong.