FOOTBAll All-STARS. Bad row: J. r:amp, J. lay, l. Wright, K. Istre, E. Menes. Fron t row: J. Allen. H. Dean, R. lewis. B. James. Not pictured : W. Hagemeir, J. Hazlett, M. Richardson. l. Perrin, D. Wiaerson, D. Walker, C. Bed. AT HARDING, it is not the desire of the Physical Education department to emphasile only one game nor develop only those who have great ability in some sport, but rather to devote an alloted time to as many games as possible and allow anyone to play that wanls to. VOLLEY BALL SERVER LEAGUE WINNERS ; C. Hinsh aw, G. Ol bricht. W. Be nnett, C. la ngston , P. Gross, J. Nichols. Not pictured : C. Geer. 114 VOLLEY BALL ALL-STARS: J. lay, C. Hinshaw. C. Geer, L Perrin, G. Pledger. Not pictured: W. Howk, T. Riches n, W. Chaney. H. Groover. Volleyball was included as one of the games in the intramural program. The interest was great because it requires skill in many phases of the game to play it successfully. There were two leagues competing in the volleyball tournament, the Server and Liner leagues . The winners of each league were required to play a game to deter. mine the school champs. The PT's of the Server league came out victorious, Early spr ing d"ys found the tennis courts in good repe;r and constan t use.