DID THE I R B EST A. the .talf .trove diligently to record the outstanding ...nls of the .chool year, they received a lot of plea.ure that c.me from service and association with each other. Thi. year the PETIT JEAN .talf ventured out from .everal -tr.ditions to try for new and better results . As this book comes out, it i••incerely hoped that the.e ellorts will have been .uccess- ~, end that the mistakes or omissions which may have occurred, d..pit. all the elforl. to avoid them, will be forgiven, with the understanding that accidents can happen. ROGER HAWLEY, Business Monoger Developments in the d"rk room PETIT JEAN reservation promotion included severo! breothtllkingly dromtltic chapel present"ti ons . STAFF : Joe Pryor, Spo"~or; Mi riam Larson, Typi$l: Gena Chenhir, Senior Editor; Roger Hawley, Business M<'In"ger: So,ai'! Long ley, High School Editor: Rolph Diehl, Auist"n! Business Manllger; Eve lyn Rhode" Typist.