1949-1950 Yearbook

RUTH BORNSCHEGEl, Editor How d isgusting can it get? STAFF: Mllrtin Lemmons, Sparh Editor; Ted Diehl, Copy; Rich05rd Wlliker, Religious Editor; Ann Morris, "nisl"nl Editor; Phil Perkins, Peste up Editor; Belly Thornton, Copy; ClMenCII Richmond, Photographer; Ruth Born· schegel, Editor; J"ne Neill, Producllon MII""ger. PET 1T J EAN STA FF THE LITTLE cubby hole of an office, down in the Science Ann.~ would nol be in ilself memorable. Bul when the pulse of the school throbbed into it, a feeling of importance and excitement was experienced by those connecled wilh producing Ihe 1950 PETIT JEAN.