1949-1950 Yearbook

T H E B 5 0 N UNDER THE guiding hand of Ed itor Jimmy Atkinson, the Bi son stacked up a number of "firsts" this year, and gained the respect and admiration of the entire student body. One of the firsts was an All -Star game held in the Rhodes Memorial Field House in order to liquidate the liabilities of the Bison. Another was the special report of the Houston chorus trip by Reporter Danny Fulkerson. "Sadie Hawkins' Day," Chris Elliott, and the banquet are a few of the things that will remain in the minds of Bison scribes and other students. A bouquet of orchids go to Atkinson and Johnson for making this year for the Bison the best yet. Jimmie AHinson, Editor-Wayne J ohnson. Business Meneger Cheerful outlooks. Phronie, reeding proof. STAFF. Ba ck row: J. Nichols, sports writer: W. JQhllson, Bus. Mgt.; R. Ussery, photog; R. MOMSCO, Circulation Mgt.; A. Poteete, spoth writer . Middle row: Neil B. Cope, f(lcully adviser; J. Atkinson, editor; B. Thornton. !!ssoc. ed.; M. King, report!!r; L. McAdams, soc. ed.; I. Coons, reporter; M. Dr!!per, high school ed.; C. Draper, religious ed.; M. lemmons, reporter; B. Curry, reporter; T. Diehl, reporter. Front row : A. Morr is. reporter, J. Mauey, aut. bus. mgr.; M. Richesin, circulation sec.; J. Cheuhir, sec,