HOUSE COUNCIL SERVED DORMITORY GIRLS THE HOUSE Council was formed in 1947 for valuable service to Harding girls. Composed of representatives elected by the students from each living area, the council this year was an effective mediator on problems of dormitory routine , social regulations, and general attitudes. It met once every month to cope with new pioblems which arose. The meetings were interesting discussions among the student representatives and dormitory supervisors. The representatives, elected for IS-week periods. valued their positions on the house council, not only because it provided an opportunity for service, but also training for leadership. The new kitchen in Pattie Cobb was opened under the supervision of the House Council, and initiated with a tea in honor of new council members . They also sponsored open house, and arranged for the dormitory trees at Christmas time. hI!".n'.ti .... l. Standing : Zelma Bell, Mrs. Pickens. Sut.d: Alice Straughn, Ann Morris, Joy Mannschreck, Phyllis Fore~ee , Ruth Majors, Jimmie Cureton, Billie Beth Hill. Winter . Standing: Jackie FilM. S•• t.d : Phyllis Foresee, Rosalyn Mitchen, Juanita Wallon, Mr$. Pickens, Freda Gibson, Mile While, Norma Lou Sandenon, Sue Saunders, Min Bell. A nn M orris, Lloydene SlInderson, lind Mllrtho!l W oody trying ou t the new kitchen.