1947-1948 Yearbook

To The ClclSS of 194 8: DR. GEORGE S. BENSONB.A., B.S. , M.A., LL.D. President of Harding Col/ege Graduation Day , 1948, at Harding College-three years after the cessation of hostilities heralded the end of World WaI' II -finds us st ill in a troubled world. Peace is not here: nor IS it in sight. The real conflict now is the strugg le between two philosophies of Jife-one accepting the innate freedom and dignity of man, as taught by the Creator and emphasized by the revelation of Jesu s Christ, the world's greatest philosopher of life: and the other subjugating all interests of the indh' idual, in fact life itself. to the supreme pOWCl' of the totalitarian State. Amcl'ica is the last great bastion of strength standine: in defense of ind'vidual dignity. Yet, one by one the principles of freedom a re being skillfully attacked within our own country by shrewd propagandists. At present this atinck is clearly seen in the attempt to persuade our people that the government should ultimately own and operate all American business and industry. This is just one more step in the master plan to push the nation into totalitariani sm through misrepresentation of facts regarding competition. profits, dividends, wages, and working conditions. Other freedoms are next on the calendar-finally including the freedom of worship, which no dictator fa vors . The struggle, begun many years ago, will long continue. In the midst of dal'k confusion, which will at times prevail, I urge each of you to kecp the light of freedom burning brightly. Interpl'et it to others-the comparativc achievements of our own way ot life and the fundamental p:~ncjplcs essential to it s preservation. Seek adequate facts for your every decision. Keep Jesus as your constant example. Make service to mankind your chief purpose in living. Remember always that no one pl'opel'ly fulfill s his own fUnction in life except in harmony with the eternal purpose of God. Rely upon Hi s providence. Be courageous! Personally and on behalf of Harding College. r express deep appreciation for your four years here. Especially am r grateful for your cheerful acceptance these las t several years of the inadequacies of our phys ical plant and your personal effort to help u s build the finest type of campus for classes and generations of Hard:ng men a nd women who will follow in your foot s teps . The ground-breaking ceremony for the new Boys ' Dor :ni toI'Y, in which March 29th. marked the beginning of construction of the first of six new an early ind ica tion of the success of our build ng fund campaign and an forward in the progress of your Alma Mater. you participated buildinl:!s. It is important step My best wishes. much success and happiness to you always. Return often! May you. your predecessors, and those you leave at Harding be ever mindful of the glorious opportunity the freedoms of our great country means to us and every American. Contend firmly for them always. God speed you on your way, Gt:ORGE S. BENSON President