1946-1947 Yearbook

LFLAND R. WATERS. B. A. Alachua. Florida "Lije is I/ot so short bllt that there is o/w(I)s time jor cOllrtesy." ~I ajor: Bllsilless Admillislmlioll .\linlH: Scie'lce Cavalier 'W, ' II , '17, Prf' ~idc ll! '41. \ icc· Pre.... '47, Flagala C1l1b '40, '43, '4'1, '17, Armed Sen'icc '42,47, Univ. of Florida ' ~6 , Glce Cl ub '47, A.I.E.E. '46, Came ra CluL '47 . Chorus '47. S e nior 5 RODERT B. WEBB. B.S. Gu y. Arkansa s "Mille's 1I0t GIl idle calise: ' ~Iajur: Biology ~ l inur: Mathematics (llIll Biblc Lambda Sigma '4-1, 'l..5, '46, '47, Choru s '45. '46, 'n, Small Choru s: '45, '47 , Glee Club '46, '47, Reli g· iOll s Quartcllc '45, Radio Choru s '46, ArkamHis Clilb '411, '45, '46, Oramatic Clilb '45, Stude llt Preacher. JAMES L. WILLETI. B.A. Coff eyville. Kansas "£orlh changes bllt thy sOlll and God stand sllre," ~Iajor: IJible (llId Social Science ~Iino r : English T,~,T . ' ll, '45, ' 16, '47, Small ChortalS '45, '~6, '47, Chorus ' l5, '46, '47, Glee Club '47, QuarlCII~' '47, Reli gious Qllart('lIe '46, Dramatic Cluh '44, '45, '46, 'l7, Campus Player!; '46, '47. Alpha Ps i Omega '47, Studcnt Preacher.