1946-1947 Yearbook

BETTY SUE TRA YLOR. B.S. Seorcy, Arkansos "For I/othing lovelier rail be /0111111 in WOII/WI, than to stlld) hOl/sehold good:' \ lajor: /l ome Economics and Bible 'I. E. \ . ' t3, '44, '45, ' 16. '17. Sec· retary '16, Pre<;idf'nt 't7, Chor u" '13, '4 1, Glee Club '44, Orc he~lra '16, lI ealth Co rps '46. Seniopj LOIS L. VAUGHAN, B.S. Granite, Ok lahoma "A cheer/III ICIIII)cr join ed wilh innocen ce will make beauty al· /ffl clive, Imow/edge delight/III." \Jajor: 110m" EcorlOlllics ~lino r : Scie/lce L.t. 'II, '115, ',\6. '17, Presidrnl '45, ' 17, Gl('(' Club '45, '46, '47 , CllOrll ~ '46. 'li. Oklahoma Club '41. '45, '16. '47, ~ lI ap~ l lOl Editor of Petit Je-an Staff '47. LUCILLE VlALL, B.S. Columbus, Mississippi "The rellSQII firlll, the temperate will, EllrillHlfl ce, foresight, strength and sJdll." \lujor: lIome Economics \1 innr: Science Tran !:' fa from .\11. Bt' rry College ' 12, . 1-3, 'II, Phi Delta '46, '47, Dramatie Club '46, '47, Chorus '47, ]I ome Eco llumics Club '47.