1946-1947 Yearbook

VIVIAN IRENE ROGERS, B.A. Paducah, Kentucky "To Cod, Ihy cO/lfllry. and til) iTiem/ be true," .\l ajor: Ellglish ,\I illor: Edu cation l\llIrray Slalt~ Teacher's Coll ege '39, '42, " II " Club '17, Drama ti c Club '47, Chorus '47, Debate '/17. SeniortJ MAE LOUISE SHULL, B.A. Shirley, Arkansos "Celllie 0/ speech, beneficent oj mind:' \l ajor: lI is/ory J.\li no r : Ellglish (III(/ Education Ade lphian '39, J\I.E.A . '40. '47, Arkan sas Club '39, '40, Drama ti c Cl ub, summer '47. MARGARET J. SMART, B.S. TOfonlo, Ontario, Canada "Great works lire performed 1101 by strength bllt by pcrsen'c r· (lfIce," ~Ia jor: /l ome Economics -'Ii nor: Ellglish "tid Science J u Co JII '45, '46, '47, Vice·Pres. '46, Sec.:l'rea::.. '117. "e" Cl ub ' l5. '46, Chorus '45, '46, '47. Smu ll Chorus '45, '47, Clee Club '46, '47. Sextetl e '47, Pelit Jean Sla ff '47, In lramurul s '46, '47.