1946-1947 Yearbook

KAY CA VIN, B.S. Sturkie, Arkansas " A CUll tented milld ;s a C()lI tirlll(li least:' \Jajul': C!temislr), -' l illo I' : Malhematics T.N.T. 'II, '42, '43. '46, '47 Arl..an ~a<; Club 'II. '42, '43, "16: 'H, Chorll !:l '12, '43, Armed Sen. ice '1 1:16, Camera Club '16, '17. Senior" LOIS MAE CHURCH, B.A. Nashville. Tennessee " 1";r(lIc (Ifld genuine graces in thi'mselve.~ speah- 1dwt flO 1II01lih C(111 IIlIer:' \Iajor: III1Sillcss Administration \lill ul': Ellfdish alld Bibh· Cra ll uh: of Lip"colll b ' 15, W.II.e. '16. '17. Churus \16. '47. Dramati c Club ' 16, '17. Pr('~:; Clu b '46, '47, Circulation .\Iullager '16, . ~7, T CIIIl. Club '16, '47, J unior Cla~~ Beaul) ' 16. CHARLES W. DOYLE, B.A. Fori Worth, Texos "A [{ood example is the best sermOIl." Major: English 'Iilll)!': Hjb/e and Malhelllafics !\\Jrlh ' I't'xa~ Agr. College '4 1, '42, Texa ...\ . & M. '43, .A rmed Sen ire '13-' ~.), Cho ru~ - 16, '47, Delta Iota '16. ' 17, Src.-Trea~. '17, Student Preac her.