1946-1947 Yearbook

Congratulations Selliors ALLEN'S QUUITY BAKERY THE PASTRY AND SPECIALITY SliOl' "WHERE BAKED GOODS ARE FURNISHED FOR ALL KINDS OF ENTERTAINMENT." "Our Delight ill Servillg Y Oil. " SEARCY ARKANSAS LISTED A. A. A. PHil JfA~ [Alf~~AR OCTOBER 2- 0pening chapel ... OJ my kingdom for a familiar face .... The headache of registralion is upon us. 3- First edition of the "BISON" welcomes all. 4- Those poor freshmen getting shot just to make them immune. 5- Don'j Saturday classes seem strange! 6-Gymnosium used fo r services. 8- Turkey sandwiches were the specialty 01 the even· ing when Inn opened. IO- Have you reserved your PETIT JEAN? Your first oppor tunity. 12- Dr. Benson announces tha t Harding's meat shortage is due only to lack of meat cutters. 14- Shannon named to direct first three oct. 16- Paul Clark receives Herren Memorial Scholarship. 17- Pelil Jean staff for 1947 annual announced. 20-Firsl hymn sing of the year alter church. 21 - 0uortel and Sextette members named Sigmas enjoy day at Bee Rock. Lambda DUNCAN HINES - ADVENTURES IN GOOD EATING LOCATED ON HIGHWAYS 67 AND 64 SEARCY ARKANSAS