1946-1947 Yearbook

memoriam GEORGE RUSSELL JOHNSON 1928 · 1947 " A youth to w!tOfn was given so much 0/ earth- so much of heaven," He wos but a youth when God called him home; but he was strong in faith. noble in life, mo ture In judgment ond stalwart in body. He was quiet, unassuming and cour teous, deporting himself as a real Christian gentleman. His friendliness d rew all closer to the people 01 Conada, his notive country. He was a pre-engineering student and hod come to know the great Engineer and His rules for building true manhood the greatest 01 all structures. His losl speech on Saturday oven. ing before Ihe occident the following morning is on exhortation to 011 - "Keep your eyes on Chris!."