1945-1946 Yearbook

BILL SMITH McCrory, Arkallsas Good at whatever he undertakes loves an argument . usually wins. hi s sk ill in debate is notorious keeps irregular houl's. seldom makes it to breakfast loquacious ... is good at making announcements, stump speeches . an excellent sports writer. . likes buttermilk SIBYL RICKMAN Ravenden Sprillgs, Arka11saS Serious minded . quiet, efficient worked in the laundry likes to read religious books and magazines . plans to go to Africa with Mrs. Rowe to do mission work .. wants to trans late Engli s h religious material into African tongue a channing conversationalist budgets her time .. . " Jehovah tift up h.is countellUllCe upon thee, and give thee pcace."-Numbers 6: 26 LEWIS MIKELL Morriston. Florida The preacher type ... full of dry wit is somewhat bashful has high ideals . always dresses neatly. . looks good in a blue suit .. studious. likes a quiet ,·oom. has dark. kinky hair ... worked with a church in West Virginia . is interested in people ...