CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES to the 1946 Graduates - - - MR. AND MRS. E. F. SMITH, SR. McCrory FUUTHER TUAINING for CHRISTIAN SERVICE An Accredited M.A. Ocgrt"t.' in Re li g ion At C~'orge Pcppcrdinc College COIl{'eflli ll ¥" Ttlilioll Sch o lar~hips and Pari-time \X ork \\ rile \\' . B. WEST. J H. lI ead of Ihe Depnrlment of Reli gioll GEORGE PEPPERDINE COLLEGE 1121 Wes l 791h Sireci LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Arkansas BEST WISHES to the Staff of the PETIT JEAN OF 1947 from the Staff of 1946