1945-1946 Yearbook

WE THA 'K YOU for )our sple ndid ('oopera ti on . IL h ao;;: made the pho tographi c wor k a pleac:u re. AS THE YEARS GO BYTh e Pi'l il j ean \\ ill become 0 11 (' o f ) our 11I 0s i t reasured po~ses5 i o n l:' 11\ IT ARE p ictures o f fr iends and d'l!:'''ma t t'~-f i.l lllil ia r .. celie ... abou t Ihe campu.;;, a nd 0 11 ou t ings Bee Rock a nd o the r plac'{'s ITS THEME - PEACE is Ihe lIlost treasured possess ion the " orld call acquireWE CONGRATULATE YOU ON THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ANNUAL _ - _ WILLIAM WALKER STUDIO Sean'Y, Ar'kull sus SANITARY MARKET Mr. and l\tr~. A. K. forr('!'t , 1'1"'01" •-'holl('s 197. ] 96 S('arC'y Arkall~ ~I ~ Souther" Auto Stores Aulo ami lI o lIH' Slillplic~ Phone 682 Scurry. Ark . In npprrci"lion /01'" y our b"si""lflfTHE BEANERY The LlI\o\ yers Sca rl' Y Bps, JP'is /IPS from. WHITE COUNTY WATER COMPANY Arkunsa~ STOTTS DR G STORE PHESCHII'TION SI' EC IALI STS l>rOIJlIJI D p li v(>r y St>rv;rp Phone 33 HAPPY VACATION