30-Kirk led singing Friday morning in chapel. Everyone was thrilled. MEA had informa l Mex ican party and theatre party. DECEMBER 3-Half of the school down with colds and influe nza. 6-Final exams. 7- Debaters left for Arkade lphia. "C" Club party in gym. 8- Metah Moe - Big Heepum Suitcase Whoopee Party. 9- Group goes to hear "The Messi ah" in Little Rock. 14--Arkansas Banque t and Christmas Dinner combined - Pretty formals, pretty girls, and mos t o[ all J oh n Mason 's s inging [or the banq ue t. Baske tball game - faculty and frosh. LA VOG E BEAUTY SHOP ABNER'S GROCERY ;\"10 VAN'S COTTAGES Lallra Huffma ll Flowe.' S h Ol l' 1215 Ell '" Harj' FfoU'l' r s lur "II ()CCWi ;mu ECONOMY MARKET \'(' . B. Conk. I-""UII. FRES II AI\ O CLREO " EAT Pitone 17 lI ucI 18 3 08 N. SprtH'l' Scar(·y. Ark. KELSO FARM S PPLY STORE PUR INA CHOWS Baby Ch icks, Seed and Fa rm Suppl ies Telephone 683 SEARCY, ARKANSAS BOLTON'S PONTIAC C.M.C. 'I'll' CKS S ul f'to - FRIGIDAIR E -- S j-nit ,t.' Pho ll e 5:~:~ J . D. PHILLIPS AND SON ' - Hill!.!" \Vallll llllCr II UfI C ia .. ... 120 We'" Ru(·t· I'ho lle 7(' Com"liments u/ EAST l\'rAHKET GROCERY