1945-1946 Yearbook

WORLD VISION A bi-monthly magaz ine designed to creote interest in mission WOrk. Chos. R. Brewer, Edi tor. Two yeors for One Oollor . 1000 C:IrI.nl1~' While )lolld ' ASIIVILLE 4. TENNESSEE co. , INC . Where the college crowd find the latest In styles at the prices they ca n afford to pay. GEORGE BELL MOTOR CO. E. D. WAKENIGHT 1'lulHhing lind Elcc-Irical SUIlI,lil's COmIJlill,,'''' s PARKVIEW SEHVICE STATION Cn rlh ef AII!; ..I. O\\Il er Phone 2 1l COlll plilll t> IIrs 0/ ROBEHTSON DRUG