1945-1946 Yearbook

VIRGIL LAWYER - - B.A. Major: Bible and Social Science; Minor: Phys ica l Education ; TNT '43, '44, '45 , '46- Pres ident '44- "M" Club '43 '44 ' 45Pr~ss Club ' 44 , :46 , Sports Ed'ilOr' Th~ Bison '46- Chorus '43 '44 '45 '46- Men's Glee Clu'b '43, '44,' '45,' '46': R~ligious Quartet '46; Who's Who '46; Assistant Edi tor Petit Jean '46; Student Preacher; Besl-AlI-'Round Boy '44, '45, '46. BOYD LOWE - B.A. Major: History and Bible; Minor: English; Delta Iota '45; Speech Fes ti va l '45, '46; Student Preacher. BETTY LOWE - - B.A. Major: Business Administration; Minor: English; Metah Moe '45; Speech Fe:;tival '45, '46; Alpha Honor Society '46. BESSIE MAE LEDBETTER B.S. Major: I n s titutional Management; Minor: Science; Graduate of David Lipscomb College '44; Phi Delta '45, '46, Pres ident ' 45 , Vice-President '46: Dramatic Club '45, '46; Campus Player '.16 ; Orchestra '45, '46; Band '45; Tennessee Club '46, Vice-President '46; Who's Who '46; Editor of the Petit Jea n '46; La:nbda Sigma Queen '45, '46; Attendant t.o Petit. Jean Queen '45; Queen of Petit Jean '46. INEZ PICKENS - - B.A. Major: English; Minor: Hi story and Education; Teacher in the Training School '45; Supervisor High School Wing Pattie Cobb Hall '45; Sponsor K.A.T. Club '45, '46; Receptionist Godden Hall '46 ; Alpha Honor Society '46 ; VicePres ident '46.